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Jul 15, 2020
The Future of Indian Children's Education is at Risk
Here are the disquieting results of a survey across 15 Indian states by Child Rights NGO ‘Save the Children’, that analyses the plight of...

Jul 14, 2020
Indian States Are Going Under. What Does This Mean For Us?
M. Govinda Rao and Arjun Srinivas each examine the precarious financial situation of Indian states and the implications of this. Here are...

Jul 10, 2020
Should India Nationalize Healthcare?
Drawing from an online session Roli Books organised with healthcare experts, we examine the pros and cons of nationalized healthcare....

Jul 8, 2020
COVID-19 is Destroying the Creative Economy
A report titled 'Taking the Temperature' surveys the impact of COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown on the creative economy. The results are...

Jun 16, 2020
Questions for the 15th Finance Commission to Answer
The 15th Finance Commission is expected to submit its five year report. Read on to know how and why this is important, especially for...

Jun 11, 2020
The Adivasi and the State
Scheduled tribes constitute over 30 percent of Chhattisgarh’s population. IPC spoke to officials in the Chhattisgarh state government to...

Jun 9, 2020
IPC Explainer: Tech Vs. Privacy During COVID-19
What are the key contours of the tech vs privacy debate when it comes to fighting the coronavirus? What have other countries around the...

Jun 1, 2020
How Healthy is the Aarogya Setu?
On the issue of the Aarogya Setu App, IPC has collated a list of demands that the government needs to meet now. The central government's...

Apr 27, 2020
Raising Revenue in the Time of Coronavirus
A report prepared by over 50 IRS officers provides recommendations for raising government revenues to respond to the COVID-19 crisis....

Apr 24, 2020
Construction Workers in Delhi are being Denied COVID-19 Relief. Here's Why.
Pandemic relief has been announced for construction workers but they are not getting it because they are not being registered. Read on...

Apr 22, 2020
New Regulations Needed: To Test & Implement Plasma Therapy for COVID-19
Plasma Therapy may decrease fatality from COVID-19 but testing and implementing it will require a change in the regulatory regime, says...

Apr 21, 2020
Indian States Need Cash
States have the bulk of the dual responsibility of containing and managing the spread of COVID-19 as well as providing for those in...

Apr 20, 2020
A Brave New Design for Centre-State Coordination
In this Indian Policy Collective original, Yamini Aiyar suggests, in 14 points, a design for greater centre-state coordination that can...

Apr 16, 2020
States to Centre: Raise the MSP
COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown will leave harvesting and sowing cycles as well as supply chains in disarray. Here’s why the Centre...
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