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Aug 7, 2020
NEP 2020: Challenges, Criticisms, Way Forward
Kanksshi Agarwal tells you all you need to know about the new National Education Policy that everyone has been talking about. From its...

Aug 1, 2020
The NEP Language Debate: For & Against
In the aftermath of the new National Education Policy, as the debate over education in Indian languages heats up, IPC collates arguments...

Jul 28, 2020
Why Are India’s Poor Not Demanding Better Healthcare?
Madhvi Gupta and Pushkar look for the answer to this question - of missing collective action by India’s poor - in a chapter of their book...

Jul 15, 2020
The Future of Indian Children's Education is at Risk
Here are the disquieting results of a survey across 15 Indian states by Child Rights NGO ‘Save the Children’, that analyses the plight of...

Jul 10, 2020
Should India Nationalize Healthcare?
Drawing from an online session Roli Books organised with healthcare experts, we examine the pros and cons of nationalized healthcare....

Jul 3, 2020
The Future Of Higher Education: A White Paper
COVID-19 changes substantially how the higher education sector must operate. This brings with it new challenges that must be urgently...

May 20, 2020
We Don’t Need No Education?
The immediate future of education depends on its portability to digital mediums. But here’s a long list of reasons why this may prove to...

Apr 30, 2020
The Home And The World
Rahul Gandhi and Raghuram Rajan discuss opening up India’s economy, fighting COVID-19 and its consequences as well as a new economic...

Apr 24, 2020
Construction Workers in Delhi are being Denied COVID-19 Relief. Here's Why.
Pandemic relief has been announced for construction workers but they are not getting it because they are not being registered. Read on...

Apr 23, 2020
Attention: A Shadow Pandemic is on the Rise
Domestic and sexual violence is on the rise due to the global lockdown and the governments need to take urgent measures to curb it. In...
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