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May 22, 2020
Atma Nirbhar: Self-Reliance or Self-Sufficiency?
Global tenders up to Rs 200 crores have been disallowed for government procurement. IPC talks to Ajay Sahai, Director General and CEO at...

May 15, 2020
IPC Explainer: Printing More Money
Intuitively, printing more money seems like a common-sense solution to alleviating issues of economic inequity and non-access....

Apr 24, 2020
Construction Workers in Delhi are being Denied COVID-19 Relief. Here's Why.
Pandemic relief has been announced for construction workers but they are not getting it because they are not being registered. Read on...

Apr 23, 2020
Attention: A Shadow Pandemic is on the Rise
Domestic and sexual violence is on the rise due to the global lockdown and the governments need to take urgent measures to curb it. In...
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