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May 26, 2020
IPC’s Big Think: Abhijit Sen (Part 1)
IPC is launching a series of ‘big think’ interviews where experts break down crucial policy issues and their solutions in the simplest...

May 22, 2020
Atma Nirbhar: Self-Reliance or Self-Sufficiency?
Global tenders up to Rs 200 crores have been disallowed for government procurement. IPC talks to Ajay Sahai, Director General and CEO at...

May 20, 2020
We Don’t Need No Education?
The immediate future of education depends on its portability to digital mediums. But here’s a long list of reasons why this may prove to...

Apr 23, 2020
Attention: A Shadow Pandemic is on the Rise
Domestic and sexual violence is on the rise due to the global lockdown and the governments need to take urgent measures to curb it. In...

Apr 22, 2020
New Regulations Needed: To Test & Implement Plasma Therapy for COVID-19
Plasma Therapy may decrease fatality from COVID-19 but testing and implementing it will require a change in the regulatory regime, says...

Apr 20, 2020
A Brave New Design for Centre-State Coordination
In this Indian Policy Collective original, Yamini Aiyar suggests, in 14 points, a design for greater centre-state coordination that can...
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