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Aug 26, 2020
The War on Poverty during COVID-19: 3 Strategies for Governments to Use
Francois Gerard, Clement Imbert and Kate Orkin recommend that developing nations provide social protection to their most vulnerable...

Aug 16, 2020
Inclusive Growth Dividend: A Universal Income Transfer That Might Work
As COVID-19 sinks the economy deeper each day, Maitreesh Ghatak and Karthik Muralidharan propose an alternative anti-poverty measure...

Jul 1, 2020
GST at Three: Hits, Misses, Reform
Today marks three years since the Goods and Services Tax was implemented in India. Sumit Dutt Majumder, former chairman, CBEC (Central...

Jun 11, 2020
The Adivasi and the State
Scheduled tribes constitute over 30 percent of Chhattisgarh’s population. IPC spoke to officials in the Chhattisgarh state government to...

May 28, 2020
IPC’s Big Think: Abhijit Sen (Part 2)
This is part two of the first of IPC’s series of ‘big think’ interviews, with Abhijit Sen. The idea behind the series is that experts...

May 26, 2020
IPC’s Big Think: Abhijit Sen (Part 1)
IPC is launching a series of ‘big think’ interviews where experts break down crucial policy issues and their solutions in the simplest...

May 22, 2020
Atma Nirbhar: Self-Reliance or Self-Sufficiency?
Global tenders up to Rs 200 crores have been disallowed for government procurement. IPC talks to Ajay Sahai, Director General and CEO at...

May 20, 2020
We Don’t Need No Education?
The immediate future of education depends on its portability to digital mediums. But here’s a long list of reasons why this may prove to...

May 19, 2020
The Case For Labour Law Reforms
Arguments and evidence in favour of the current spate of labour law reforms. Several Indian states have suspended or diluted labour laws...

May 15, 2020
IPC Explainer: Printing More Money
Intuitively, printing more money seems like a common-sense solution to alleviating issues of economic inequity and non-access....

Apr 27, 2020
Raising Revenue in the Time of Coronavirus
A report prepared by over 50 IRS officers provides recommendations for raising government revenues to respond to the COVID-19 crisis....

Apr 24, 2020
Construction Workers in Delhi are being Denied COVID-19 Relief. Here's Why.
Pandemic relief has been announced for construction workers but they are not getting it because they are not being registered. Read on...

Apr 23, 2020
Attention: A Shadow Pandemic is on the Rise
Domestic and sexual violence is on the rise due to the global lockdown and the governments need to take urgent measures to curb it. In...

Apr 20, 2020
A Brave New Design for Centre-State Coordination
In this Indian Policy Collective original, Yamini Aiyar suggests, in 14 points, a design for greater centre-state coordination that can...
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